I know I haven’t posted in a long time. There has been ample to blog about too, which is even more depressing. I know I have disappointed my “readers” but the truth of the matter is I’m not really a blogger at all. I don’t want to write about things unless I’m there experiencing them first hand. I have little aspiration to be a great blogger, but rather a great journalist. My blog would be the perfect forum for political discussion if I were in fact a political journalist with years of insight. Unfortunately, I am not that political expert… not yet. While I would love to make my blog all about me and what I see as the future of the American political system, the truth is that what I have to say as a 22 year old recent college graduate has little merit. I need to earn some degree of understanding, some experience before I am capable of making sound judgments, until I can make this a forum of insight.

What I do have insight on as of now, is what I have experienced first hand – what I can report to my readers. That is what made my adventures in Iowa and New Hampshire worth reading.

Luckily for you, I will be at the Democratic National Convention next week in Denver and will once again have an inside look as to what the situation is on the ground. I’ll be back with insights, interviews, on the scene reporting. Can’t wait to share!

So start reading again and you’ll see me at the convention!


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2 responses to “Bad Blogger But GOING TO DENVER

  1. Looking forward to reading you again, Julia.

  2. zak

    how does one go about getting tickets? to the DNC, for future reference.

    you might like this list of female political bloggers. . . don’t know if you’ve seen it

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